;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Default segment attributes are PUBLIC, ALIGN=1, no class, ; no overlay, and USE16. ;------------------ BITS 16 ;The BITS directive specifies whether NASM ;should generate 8086 code or 80386 code ;---------------------------------------------- SEGMENT CODE ..start: ; You specify the entry point by declaring ; the reserved symbol ..start at the point ; where you wish execution to begin. ;--------------------------------------------- mov ax,DATA ;Address of data segment... mov ds,ax ;into DS mov sp,stack_top ;Start stack pointer mov ax,STACK ;Address of stack segment mov ss,ax ;into SS mov dx,msg ;Offset of msg to DX mov ah,9 ;DOS function: "output string" int 0x21 ;DOS interrupt mov ah,0x4c ;Call DOS to exit mov al,0 ;Return(0) - error code int 0x21 ;DOS interrupt SEGMENT DATA ;Start of DATA segment msg: db "Hello, World!",'$' SEGMENT STACK STACK resb 100h ;EXE programs demands a stack. stack_top: ;Reserve 256 bytes. ;End of stack segment=Stack Ptr. ;- Stack pointer grows towards ;lower addresses. ;------------------------------